Tuesday, July 7, 2009

personal computer

HANDHELD:A handheld computer, designed to fit in your hand, is the smallest type of personal computer, making it easy to carry anywhere. Handhelds are battery-operated with targeted but limited capabilities. Usually a small keyboard or a pen-like stylus is used to operate a handheld. You cannot perform all of the types of tasks on a handheld that you can perform on a desktop or notebook computerDESKTOP:.A desktop computer is a personal computer designed to be used on your desk at home or office. It is not meant to be portable. It usually includes a tower-style system unit, with an external keyboard, a monitor, and a mouse.LAPTOP:A laptop computer is a personal computer that integrates the system unit, monitor, keyboard, and mouse available with a desktop computer into one portable package. Laptops ordinary weight between four and eight pounds and are designed to be carried and used in locations outside the home or office.Uses Of Personal Computers:PCs, being small and powerful, are used in nearly every facet of modern day life. They are designed for individual use and provide a wide range of functions and services applicable to varied environments such as offices, homes, hospitals, schools, and businesses. Personal computers help organizations create and manage data efficiently.

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